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Online courses are learning activities for self-study. Online courses are available at any time. Users of the platform can independently sign up for an online course and take it. All online courses consist of a series of lessons and a final test. If the final test is passed, the course is considered passed and an electronic certificate of course completion is issued. Classroom seminars are an intramural form of study. The date and time of seminars is fixed in the schedule. To participate in the seminars, you must submit an application. Applications are accepted from financial institutions in the project’s region. To this end, one of the employees of a financial institution is given access to the application submission function. The slots are evenly distributed among organizations that have submitted applications. Free webinars are available according to the schedule or webinars can be held on a commercial basis. Based on the results of a webinar, an electronic statement of participation is issued. A certification program is a learning activity for self-study. Certification programs envisage a comprehensive test covering multiple online courses, webinars, or other training events. Users can independently sign up for a certification test after successful completion of all training activities within the certification program. In case of successful testing, a certificate is issued. An online tutorial is a learning activity for self-study. Tutorials are designed to put into practice the knowledge gained in other learning activities. The tutorials are available at any time. The platform users can independently sign up for a tutorial and pass it. Tutorials do not envisage the issuance of statements of completion. Lectures are non-interactive online learning activities conducted by a teacher or trainer. The date and time of lectures is fixed in the schedule. The platform users can sign up for a lecture independently. Webinars are interactive online training events conducted with the participation of a trainer. The date and time of a webinar is fixed in the schedule. To participate in the webinars, you must file an application. Applications are accepted from financial institutions in the project’s region. To this end, one of the employees of a financial institution is given access to the application submission function. The slots are evenly distributed among organizations that have submitted applications. Free webinars are available according to the schedule or webinars can be held on a commercial basis. Based on the results of a webinar, an electronic statement of participation is issued. COM_KSEPCATALOGUE_NAME_DESC_package